Please read the below information as it affects your child’s ability to enter and enjoy camp.
The Health Form and Vaccination History must be received before the 1st day of camp. Please scan or take a picture and send as a reply to this email. Or mail it to Yorktown Stage, PO Box 877, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. Forms prepared by your doctors' office are acceptable.
Every camper must have his/her own materials. Please put these materials in your child’s backpack. The materials are not expensive and can be purchased at Staples. You may also bring materials already owned. Choose whatever colors you prefer, it is your child’s art.
The following is needed:
1/ Crayola Crayons, 24/Box.
2/ Elmer's Disappearing Purple Washable Glue Sticks.
3/ Tru Red Wooden Pencil, 2.2mm #2 Medium Lead.
4/ Cra-Z-Art Pre-Sharpened Colored Pencils, Assorted, 12/Box.
Lunchtime and some workshops take place outside in the area inside the running track and the Gazebo. On days when the heat is oppressive, the campers will stay indoors for those workshops and lunch. Please send sunscreen with your campers to be used outdoors.
Please do not pack any nuts or nut products for camper’s lunches. There will be at least one child in your group with a life threatening peanut and/or tree nut food allergy. We are protecting the campers who have these allergies. Please comply.
Packed lunch, not requiring refrigeration, should be placed in your child's bag. Include snacks as desired. Yorktown Stage does not supply snacks.
Please send your camper with $5-10 cash .... no more than that ... if they would like to buy food or ice cream/candy at the Lunch Truck, NOTE: there will be no ice cream sales on days when campers are eating indoors. We eat on stage or in the studio. Melting ice cream creates quite a mess. Offerings include hot dogs, mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese and ice cream. NOTE: The Lunch Truck can get long and we can only guarantee that lunch will be available. Ice cream and candy will be available only if time permits. If for some reason the Food Truck will not be present on any given day, you will be notified in advance.
On the 1st day of each camp week, campers will receive their Yorktown Stage Tee Shirts.
On the 2nd day of each camp week, campers should wear their Yorktown Stage Tee Shirts to Camp.
On the 3rd day of each camp week, campers will wear anything they have consistent with the Theme of that day. (Do not buy, just find!). *
On the 4th day of each camp week, campers will wear their performance costumes to camp and bring a change of clothes in their backpacks.
On the last day of each camp week, campers should wear their costumes to camp. No change of clothes is necessary.
* Theme Days:
- Week 1: Halloween Day: Wear Crazy Outfits, Colors, Insanity!
- Week 3: American Day: Wear Red, White and Blue!
- Week 4: Pajama Day: Wear PJs! NO slippers and not what you sleep in!
- Week 5: Color Wars: Wear group color.
(1/ red, 2/ orange, 3 /yellow, 4/ green, 5/ blue, 6/ purple)
- Week 6: Halloween Day: Wear Crazy Outfits, Colors, Insanity!
- Week 7: American Day: Wear Red, White and Blue!
- Week 8: Pajama Day: Wear PJs! NO slippers and not what you sleep in!
- Week 9: Color Wars: Wear group color.
(1/ red, 2/ orange, 3 /yellow, 4/ green, 5/ blue, 6/ purple)
- Accessories to be added: hats, scarves, bracelets, jewelry, etc.
- No boas PLEASE.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE place your child's name on ALL belongings, including clothes, costume pieces, medicines, backpacks, snacks, games, cell phones, etc. If lost, we will contact you. Each year we have bags and bags of camper items left behind without names.
At the end of your child's camp week, PLEASE check to see that all belongings are accounted for. The Lost and Found will be discarded at the end of the summer.
Please understand that we cannot care for campers with behavioral issues. These issues include refusals to participate in workshops, taunting or teasing other campers or counselors or any other behavior which requires a single counselor to stay with a camper. You will be notified if an issue occurs. After a second occurrence, we will ask you to remove the child from camp.