REFUND POLICY: If you cancel any week prior to 14 days before the 1st day of your registered week, you will receive a full refund, less a service charge of $75. This refund is not available for campers who have received discounts for weeks registered. There will be no refunds or credits for cancellations for any person after the dates noted above. Refunds and/or credits will not be available for any reason including, but not limited to sickness, vacations or family emergencies. The Camp Director and/or the Executive Director have the right to dismiss any child for behavioral problems. Money will not be refunded for days missed due to dismissal or illness. NOTE: Your application cannot be processed unless completely filled out and signed, and all fees paid. Your medical form(s) must be submitted prior to the start of the camp week.
NOTE:Your application cannot be processed unless completely filled out and signed. Your medical forms(s) must be submitted before the session starts. You will receive EMAIL confirmation of Registration. PLEASE remove spam filters. If not received, PLEASE call office at 914-962-0606.