Just Dance! Announcements
Spring Recital Information:
Welcome Dance Parents
This section includes information necessary to prepare for this year’s dance recital. The road to the recital can only proceed smoothly if our dancers’ parents understand what is expected of them. This information will be updated when necessary. Please read this packet in its entirety to allow that to happen.
There will be two (2) live performances of the recital:
Friday, May 30 @ 7:00 pm and Saturday, May 31 @ 2:00 pm
All students will be performing in both performances.
Tickets are available now and may be purchased at this link:
The ticket fees: $20-$30
Information to be sent later
Dancers must remove all jewelry for the performances
Dancers must do makeup and hair at home. No hair spray allowed in dressing rooms.
Bring all accessories, personal belongings, water, etc in a laundry bin
Hair Girls: ponytail pulled straight back; head pieces on the right side of head
Makeup: Powdered base, blush, glitter, lipstick (red or pink), eye shadow Neutral(no blue)
We need parent volunteers:
For all classes with students aged 3-12
To assist with costume changes and monitoring for our younger dancers.
Volunteers will be able to see their child’s performance.
We ask parents to volunteer by sending email to: barryysproducer@gmail.com.
It is imperative that the Dancers attend all remaining classes.
This will ensure the success of the Recital. Please, no absences.
Until Friday, May 16: Attend regularly scheduled classes in the Studios.
May 19-23:
Attend regularly scheduled classes to be held in the Theatre.
Dance numbers will be reviewed and modified for the stage.
Tuesday, May 27 and Wednesday, May 28:
Act 1 on Tuesday and Act 2 on Wednesday will be run and teched in order, with exceptions noted below.
Dancers will report to the Theatre.
The rehearsal will run 5:00-9:00 pm:
5:00-6:00 Finale Rehearsal (Tee Shirt needed)
6:00-7:00 Young students dance review – TO BE SCHEDULED
All other dancers are required to stay until the completion of their last dance.
Bring snacks, sandwiches and drinks as required.
Then students may text parents for pick up.
Parents must be in touch directly with the student by text to inform of arrival.
Pickup will be under the theatre marquee.
Costumes are REQUIRED:
Dancers wear their 1st costume in the act if more than one.
Bring 2nd costume in the act and personal items in a laundry basket.
Hair must be in a ponytail so as to not interfere with dance.
Thursday, May 29:
This is a final dress rehearsal.
The full show will be run in order.
Dancers will report to the Nutrition Center.
A Seating Chart will be prepared.
Assignments will also be for the dressing rooms.
The rehearsal will run 5:00-8:00 pm.
There will be no early dismissal or early pickup.
Costumes are REQUIRED:
Dancers wear Costume for their 1st dance, if more than one.
Dancers bring other costume(s) in their laundry bin.
Makeup is REQUIRED.
Hair must be in a ponytail so as to not interfere with dance.
Dancers may not use hairspray at any time in the building.
Friday, May 30:
Live performance at 7:00 pm.
Dancers report to the Nutrition Center at 5:30 pm, NOT EARLIER
Dancers must check in with the monitor.
Dancers must sit at their assigned table or dressing room.
Saturday, May 31:
Live performance at 2:00 pm.
Dancers report to the Nutrition Center at 12:30 pm, NOT EARLIER
Dancers must check in with the monitor.
Dancers must sit at their assigned table.
Students must remain in the Nutrition Center for the entire time, except for bathroom breaks.
A student must request permission from a monitor or parent volunteer to visit the rest room.
Any student aged 8 and under must be accompanied by a parent volunteer.
To be determined and listed here.
Parents will be directed to the box office lobby to pick up their students.
Students must leave with all belongings with the assistance of parent volunteers.
Students must sign out with the monitor at the front desk and stay until monitor releases to parent.
Debbie Mellone, Jenna Kelly
Stefanie Mellone, Jenna Mastro, Donna Scheer, Amanda Donnelly
We communicate mainly by email. Please check your emails twice daily! All emails should be addressed to barryysproducer@gmail.com. Please contact us: if you cannot attend a class; if you will be late for a class; or for any other reason.
Cell Phones
Students should always bring their cellphones to class to receive messages from parents.
Arrival for Classes:
Use the entrance to the left of the Theatre Marquee to enter the lobby of the YCCC building. Students will be met on the ground level in front of the theater box office by the teacher and then proceed to the designated studio, either Room 12 (“Studio”) on the ground floor or Room 121 (“Upstairs”) between the first and second floors.
We keep a record of attendance. Continued absences or lateness could affect your child’s Recital appearance. Attendance is important for continuity. Please have your child attend all scheduled classes. Student absences make it almost impossible to create a flawless performance as well as being unfair to other students.
If you are late, you should proceed directly to the Studio where that class is usually held. If the class is not taking place in that studio, there will be a note on the door directing you elsewhere.