Summer Camp Handbook

This site attempts to provide information about the Yorktown Stage Summer Camp.
Topics are in alphabetical order or you can select ‘Find’ and locate one of the key words of your inquiry.
If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please email the Director of Operations at

All camp spaces, including entrances and exits, are accessible by wheelchair except our upstairs studio.

All camp spaces have air conditioning.
Campers should bring a cover in their backpack.

A Camper Alphabetical list, with the group preceding the name, will be sent 7-10 days before the 1st day of each camp week.
The group number is important to know when reviewing the Costume Sheet which lists colors by group.

Some of our counselors are interested in babysitting.
Please contact Barry,, if interested.

Counselors take the children on bathroom breaks whenever necessary.
If between workshops, those campers will catch up in the next workshop.
If in the middle of a workshop, those campers will complete the task as quickly as possible and then return to the workshop.

Please understand that we cannot care for campers with behavioral issues.
These issues include:
– refusals to participate in workshops
– taunting or teasing other campers or counselors
– or any other behavior which requires a single counselor to stay with a camper.
– You will be notified if an issue occurs. After a second occurrence, we will ask you to remove the child from camp.

On Monday, campers receive their Yorktown Stage Tee Shirts.
On Tuesday, campers wear their Yorktown Stage Tee Shirts to Camp.
On Wednesday, campers wear anything they have consistent with the Theme of that day.*
On Thursday, campers wear performance costumes and bring a change of clothes in their backpacks.
On Friday, campers should wear their costumes to camp. No change of clothes is necessary.*Do not buy, find as close as possible.Theme Days:
– Week 1: Halloween Day: Wear Crazy Outfits, Colors, Insanity!
– Week 2: American Day: Wear Red, White and Blue!
– Week 3: Pajama Day: Wear PJs! NO slippers and not what you sleep in!
– Week 4: Color Wars: Wear group color. (1/ red, 2/ orange, 3 /yellow, 4/ green, 5/ blue, 6/ purple)
– Week 5: Halloween Day: Wear Crazy Outfits, Colors, Insanity!
– Week 6: American Day: Wear Red, White and Blue!
– Week 7: Pajama Day: Wear PJs! NO slippers and not what you sleep in!
– Week 8: Color Wars: Wear group color. (1/ red, 2/ orange, 3 /yellow, 4/ green, 5/ blue, 6/ purple).

The counselors are always with the children – during their workshops, lunch, to start the day and to end the day.

Campers should bring their cell phones to camp, but must keep the phone in their bag, never on their person. They may only use their phones in the morning after drop off, for meet and greet and at the end of the day awaiting pickup.The policy for staff is different:

Cell phones for Staff are not permitted in camp.
– Cell phones will be placed in Staff members bag, never on their person;
– Except when taking campers to the bathrooms;
– Except when taking campers to the Lunch Truck; and
– In case of emergency.

Head counselors will have their cell phones on at all times:
– Necessary for staff or parent contact; or
– In case of emergency.

We communicate by email and, in certain instances, by text. Emails will come from:
–; and

You will receive an email confirmation of enrollment once the application is processed. This confirmation will contain important information. If you do not receive this confirmation, please check your spam folder or visit and select ‘Applications for Print’ on the right side of the page. If you still need the info, contact Barry at

Each group will wear a different color as their costume for the camp performance.
There is no need to buy anything.
By the Friday before your camp week begins, you will receive:
– A Camper List indicating each camper’s group; and
– A Costume Sheet indicating each group’s color.
Campers will wear this costume for both the Dance and Show portions of the performance.
Each week’s Costume Sheet will also be placed in your child’s folder.
Reminder: Campers wear their costume on Thursday and bring a change of clothes in their backpack for after the rehearsal.
Reminder: Campers wear their costumes to camp on Friday for the performance at 2:00 pm followed immediately by pick up.
The weekly costume sheet details accessories that can be added, i.e. hats, scarves, bracelets, jewelry, etc.
Do not use: boas, light up sneakers or sandals or shirts with logos or prints.
Always wear shorts under skirts.

Costume Sheet 2025:
Group Costumes Weeks 1-8

A Counselor Roster will be sent 7-10 days before the 1st day of each camp week.
Please stop in on the 1st morning of camp to discuss anything with the Head Counselor.
The Head Counselor for each group is listed along with his/her cell phone number is listed.
If you wish to tip at the end of the week, you will see the total number of counselors in the group.

Every camper must have his/her own materials. Please put these materials in your child’s backpack. The materials are not expensive and can be purchased at Staples. You may also bring materials already owned. Choose whatever colors you prefer, it is your child’s art:
– Crayola Crayons, 24/Box;
– Elmer’s Disappearing Purple Washable Glue Sticks; and
– Tru Red Wooden Pencil, 2.2mm #2 Medium Lead; and
– Cra-Z-Art Pre-Sharpened Colored Pencils, Assorted, 12/Box.

If a supplied credit card is declined for any reason, a $25 fee will be charged. A declined credit card will not affect the registration which will remain active. The charging process is extensive: from the attempt to charge manually; contacting parents and ensuing communications; filing the registration for followup payment; and recharging once valid information is supplied. PLEASE make sure your credit card is valid, that your credit card limit is sufficient and/or that money has been transferred to the card before supplying the credit card information on the registration.

Campers should have a back pack including:
– Sneakers or Comfortable Shoes (No Sandals);
– Folder and 2 pencils (for papers, scripts, music, and notes);
– Camper Materials (glue sticks, markers, pencils, crayons);
– Lunch, 2 snacks, and 3 drinks (or cash for lunch truck); and
– A full Water Bottle .

Campers will be dropped off under the theatre marquee.
Drop off is 9:00 – 9:30 AM.
Please enter the parking lot and drive around to that spot.
If you need to talk to a Head counselor, you must park and proceed to the walk up line. 

Children aged 5-13 or entering grades Kindergarten -8 in the fall. 

You will receive a text or call for emergencies.
You may text us as well:
– Augie Abatecola (518-821-0389),
– Barry Liebman (914-497-4283) or

NOTE:  There is no aftercare on the Friday of each camp week. We offer extended care for your child before and after scheduled camp hours:
– cost of $8.00/hour.
– We are here each camp day from 8:00 am – 9:00 am and 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm.
– No reservation is necessary.
– You automatically authorize us to charge your credit card for any and all extended care charges.
If you do not use a credit card for registration, you must leave a credit card authorization.
– If you do not pick up your child before 3:30 pm, he/she will remain in the Program until you arrive.
– If a camper remains past 6:00 p.m. for any reason, you will be charged an additional $25.00.
– Your credit card will be charged at the end of the week for the time your child has spent in aftercare.
– The counselors treat the extended care as another workshop of the day.
– Activities include dancing, group games, crafts, learning the dances of other groups, discussions, etc.
– Campers may use the time for video games or down time for themselves.  

In addition to the six workshops, activities that are included at camp are: a Dance Party, Relay Race, Fashion Show, Freeze Dance, Talent Show and a Disney Movie. 

$359 for each week. There is a one-time discount of $15 for each sibling registered. A fee of $25 will be charged for declined credit cards. Please do not supply credit card information if funds are not available. Included for each child is a Yorktown Stage Tee-Shirt. 

There is no food sharing at camp. We ensure the safety of all campers.
Please do not pack peanut products for lunch/snack, including Nutella.  

Our goals for all campers:
– Develop a Positive Attitude;
– Advance Self Esteem;
– Expand Communication Skills;
– Establish Confidence;
– Experience the Thrill of Performing;
– Discover Exciting New Interests;
– Make New Friends; and
– Enjoy Traditional Camp Activities.

Groups are created using the following factors:

– We create 6 equal groups by grade.
– Youngest campers group 1, oldest campers group 6.
– Kindergarten campers are in group 1 and noted in grade ‘0’.
– If necessary, campers are then divided by town or school.
– Same age campers may request to be together.
– Different age requests might be honored.
– Campers more than one year apart will never be placed together.
Group switches are solely in the discretion of Yorktown Stage.
Group numbers, i.e., 1-6, depend solely on the ages of campers registered.
Campers may never select a counselor to be with.

Any group changes or placement is in the discretion of Yorktown Stage.
A group number means nothing … any group can contain any aged campers.
The number of the group changes dependent on the ages of ALL campers in camp.
Campers may not select a counselor only a group.

On the 1st day of each camp week, the following are distributed to each camper:
– Costume Sheet (see Costume Sheet);
– Musical Script (campers’ line will be noted); and
– Yorktown Stage Summer Camp T Shirt.
Absent campers receive the hand outs on their first day of attendance.

A Health Form and Vaccination History must be received before the 1st day of camp.
– Please scan or take a picture of the camper’s latest medical and send to
– Your doctors’ forms are acceptable as long as the Vaccination History is included.
There is no need to mail the medical forms if they have been emailed.

8:00-9:00 Extended Care (Before care)
9:00-9:30 Drop Off campers
9:30-3:00 Workshops
12:00-1:00 Lunch
3:00-3:30 Pick Up campers
3:30-6:00 Extended Care (After care)

If your child will be absent or late call the office (914) 962-0606.

Workshops held indoors and outdoors at the air-conditioned theater located at 1974 Commerce Street, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. GPS Address: 268 Veterans Road. 

Parents provide lunch, snacks and drinks daily. Send camper with full day’s supply of water!
A lunch truck available on location.
Lunchtime is held indoors.
PLEASE do not pack any nuts or nut products for camper’s lunches.
There will be at least one child in your group with a life threatening peanut and/or tree nut food allergy.
We are protecting the campers who have these allergies.
There is NO refrigeration for lunch foods.
We ask that all lunch items sent with the camper be properly packaged, in thermal bags if necessary.
Include snacks as desired.
Yorktown Stage does not supply snacks.
Please send your camper with $5-10 cash if they would like to buy at the Lunch Truck:
– Offerings include hot dogs, mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese candy  and ice cream.
– NOTE: The Lunch Truck can get long and we can only guarantee that lunch will be available.
– Ice cream and candy will be available only if time permits.
– If for some reason the Food Truck will not be present on any given day, you will be notified in advance.
– Place cash in a clear zip lock bag with your camper’s name on it;
– Each camper must have their own bag, not combined for siblings;
– The camper and counselor will make purchases together at the lunch truck;
– The counselor will make payment and receive change;
– The camper will receive the food; and
– The counselor will place the zip lock bag in the camper’s bag so please be sure to look for it.
Counselors will loan money to campers who have not come without money.
If counselors make such a loan, please be sure to return the loan as quickly as possible.

Your child’s medication will remain in their backpack, to be used only as necessary or required.

Place your child’s name on ALL belongings, including:
– clothes, costume pieces
– medicines, backpacks, snacks, games, cell phones.
If lost, we will contact you.
Each year we have bags and bags of camper items left behind without names.
At the end of your child’s camp week, check to see that all belongings are accounted for.
The Lost and Found will be discarded at the end of each camp week.

Rehearsal Time and Counselor time workshops are held outdoors in the Gazebo area by the walking track.

There is ample parking on Veteran’s road (in legal spots) and the triangle shopping center.
If parking in the shopping center, take the stairs across from Acme to walk to the Theatre.
Please do not park illegally, as you may be towed and/or ticketed.

The sole performance is on on Friday at 2:00 p.m.
Doors will open at 1:30 p.m.
The performance will run until 2:45 pm, immediately followed by pick up.
Each camper is allowed 2 people to attend the performance.
If necessary, parents may bring siblings to the performance.
The performances will NOT be filmed.
There is no charge for admission to the Friday performances.
Campers wear their costume on Thursday and bring a change of clothes in their backpack.
Campers wear their costumes to camp on Friday for the performance at 2:00 pm followed by pick up.

Pick up is 3:10 – 3:35 p.m.
Upon entering the parking lot, you will be asked for your child’s name.
Your child will be called and will meet you outside for pickup at the theatre doors.
If you are walking up, please see Staff at the front door under the marquee.
The camp workshops end at 2:45 p.m. and campers need to collect their belongings.
PLEASE do not arrive earlier.
PLEASE follow staff instructions.
Our pick up line must keep moving so as to avoid a traffic jam not only in the parking lot, but along Veterans Road.
If your child requires assistance with their car seat, please park and walk up to pick up your camper.
Please consider picking up after 3:20 when the line slows down.
If you wish to designate a pickup person for your camper:
– Send an email to and indicate the person’s name and relationship to the camper;
– The camper must know the pickup person.
– The camper must be prepared for the pickup so as to not be anxious.

If you must pick up your child during the day OR drop off late:
– Call the office (914) 962-0606 to give us an approximate for pick up or return
– When you arrive at the theater, call the office (914) 962-0606.
– The camper will be brought to you under the marquee.
– Please add 10 minutes after calling to pick up as campers need to be retrieved.
– Early pickups are disruptive to the camp workshops. Please try to avoid early pickups if possible.

Every camper spends the exact same time in the front line on stage.
– There are 4 lines of campers, divided alphabetically so that nobody feels cheated.
– Each of the 4 lines takes a turn in each of the 4 positions, e.g., 1st row, 2nd row, 3rd row and 4th row.
– Each line spends exactly the same amount of time in the front, middle, middle and back during the song.
– This is an exact science. A camper’s talent is not a factor in dancing or staging positioning.

– You must cancel within 14 days before the 1st day of any camp week to receive a full refund minus a $25 service charge.
– For cancellations after the deadline, there will be no refunds.
– If any week has been filled and notice has posted on our website, there will be no refunds.
– There will be no refunds for days missed due to behavioral dismissal or illness.
– We do not keep a ‘waiting list’ for closed out weeks.

There is typically one counselor for every 5-6 campers.
There is typically one boy for every 4-5 girls.

There is no specific deadline date for registration.
Registration is capacity controlled …
Registration will close when that capacity is reached.

The younger campers have snack time between the 1st and 2nd workshops daily.

Some workshops take place outside in the area inside the running track and the Gazebo. Please send sunscreen with your campers to be used outdoors. On days when the heat is oppressive, the campers will stay indoors for those workshops.

The Yorktown Stage tax ID number is 13-4020538.

Campers will receive tee shirts on the Monday of their first camp week.
They will receive only one shirt per season.
Tee shirts are worn on Tuesday of the camp week.
If not in attendance on Monday, a camper will receive the next day.
If a camper needs a replacement tee shirt for any reason, the cost will be $5.

Tips are welcomed and appreciated and split between all counselors in a group. Tipping is optional, but many parents make gratuities at the end of each week. We do recommend a gratuity of $10 for each of the group counselors and $10 total for the group of instructors. These are only guidelines and gratuities in any amount are greatly appreciated. Gift cards are often given in lieu of cash. If you have specific requests, please insert them in the envelope. The counselors are with your child every minute of the day!

The children arrive between 9-9:30 am and stay with their counselors and group.
During each day, each group will attend the six (6) workshops for 45 minute segments.
All groups break for lunch at the same time.
There are 8 weeks of summer camp

Improv: each group is given acting exercises and situations
Dance: each group is assigned a hip hop dance which they rehearse daily.
Staging: each group is assigned a song from the theme Musical, which they rehearse daily.
Crafts: daily crafts include face painting, picture frames, puzzles, masks, seals, etc.
Rehearsal Time: each group rehearses the dance and musical numbers assigned.
Counselor Time: traditional camp activities, games or discussion of events and issues.

At the performance, the Yorktown Stage parent organization may be offering small of candy bags for sale
This is to reward your camper for a job well done.
Each bag is $5 and you will be helping support the various kids productions here at the stage.
They are a nice alternative to flowers and each has an encouraging note.